Rather than considering the success or failure of identity verification as an all-or-nothing kind of thing, it may be helpful to think of it more along the lines of how Identity IQ scores relate to one another. What do they mean? How accurate are they? And most importantly, what can you do to ensure you’re getting a good score on each? These are all questions that can be answered by reading this article on identity IQ scores and their accuracy so continue reading now to learn more about what your score means and what you can do to improve it.
What Is An Identity IQ Score
An identity IQ score is a three-digit number that ranges from 300 to 850. This score is meant to reflect how well you manage your personal information and how likely you are to become a victim of identity theft. While your identity IQ score can be a helpful metric, it’s important to remember that it’s not perfect. Here are a few things to keep in mind when considering your score. First, if you’re like most people, your score will be higher the second time around. In other words, even if your first score was low or average, there’s a good chance that you’ll do better the next time. You may want to go through the process twice so that you can see what improvements you’ve made over time. Second: because the index only uses questions related to five categories (credit report data and content management), someone who has bad credit but maintains their social media accounts perfectly could have an IDIQ just as high as someone with perfect credit but no knowledge about managing their social media accounts.
What Is An Active Threat
An active threat is defined as a person or group of people who are currently trying to harm you or your property. This could be through physical violence, cyberattacks, or even just verbal threats. While it’s impossible to know exactly how many active threats there are in the world at any given time, we do know that they’re out there. And that’s why it’s important to be aware of what an active threat is and how to protect yourself from them. If you find yourself in a dangerous situation, use the five Ds: Don’t be a Dope!
The first D is run. If possible, leave quickly without looking back. The second D is disguise-change your appearance by changing clothes or hairstyle. Third D is drive-if on foot, and find cover before reaching your car if possible (like trees). Fourth D is disable-disable any electronics such as laptops or smartphones before being attacked by someone else with malicious intent. Fifth D is defend-utilize whatever object you have available (including pepper spray) to fend off an attacker until help arrives.
The Problems With Getting An Active Threat
There are a few problems with trying to get an accurate identity score. The first is that it’s simply not possible to be 100% accurate all the time. There will always be some variability in the results. Secondly, identity scores can be affected by some factors, including the person’s mood, their level of stress, and even their physical health. So while an identity score may give you a general idea of someone’s threat level, it’s not something you should rely on completely. It could be off by several points either way.
A better solution would be to use multiple forms of identification, or what we call a triple check. In this process, we cross-reference three different forms of identification: state ID card or driver’s license; social security card; and date of birth.
The Problems With A False Positive
Identity theft is a serious problem, and it’s only getting worse. With so much at stake, you would think that companies would be doing everything they can to prevent it. But sometimes, they’re not. Sometimes, they’re making things worse. Companies might be giving out inaccurate information that leads to more identity theft rather than less. These inaccuracies are often because of: inaccurate data (especially Social Security numbers), outdated information, or just bad guesses about how people identify themselves. And the worst part is: that when someone has an inaccurate identity score like this, it’s incredibly difficult for them to correct the mistake or for anyone else to notice what’s wrong with their record.
How You Can Protect Yourself From A False Positive
There’s no doubt that identity theft is a serious problem. But what happens when you’re the one who gets flagged for fraud? Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for identity IQ scores to be inaccurate. Here’s what you can do to protect yourself from a false positive. The first step is to check your credit report and make sure all of your information is accurate. If there are any errors in your report, take care of them as soon as possible before the situation escalates.
You should also keep an eye on your accounts, including debit cards and checking accounts. It’s important to monitor these regularly for any unusual activity or charges that don’t match up with previous transactions.