If you have been turned down for loans or credit cards due to poor credit history, you may have found yourself trying to figure out how to restore your credit by yourself. The road to credit restoration can be complicated and confusing, however, if you don’t know where to start. By using a credit restoration agency like Whatcom Credit Restoration, you can take advantage of their expertise in dealing with creditors and collecting the money that you are owed faster than you would be able to on your own.
Credit Agencies Are Different
They Don’t All Do The Same Thing
They Can Be Used In Place Of Bankruptcy
Contact Information For Credit Agencies
How Much Does It Cost?
What Should I Expect?
What Results Can I Expect?
Our credit restoration agency guarantees an increase in your credit score of up to 100 points within 6 months. The exact amount depends on your starting score, but most clients see an increase of at least 50-70 points. So you’ll be able to qualify for better interest rates and will save money on your monthly expenses (think: lower car insurance and mortgage payments). Best of all, we guarantee that you’ll see these results within 6 months or you don’t pay! So what are you waiting for? Call us today to get started!